#973 A favorite author’s new book is a welcome arrival

There are many things that make me smile; a warm breeze, the sunrise, rain in the summertime, baby animals learning to stand and the smell of a charcoal grill at the beach. But the one thing that makes me smile almost bigger than anything in the world is when my business idol comes out with a new book. I have had many favorite authors over the years and, for one reason or another, they come and go in levels of importance but there has been one that has always made me perk up and take note whenever I hear his name.

richard branson hair

I have read every book, article and quote that Richard Branson has ever written* and when I hear news that his new book has finally hit the shelves, I look like a little kid on Christmas! His literary works have helped me through a couple business downturns, restructures and upswings that I can remember and I know that any time I read a book of his, I will learn something new that will make my life easier, better and with more smiles. When I crack open his latest book, I can smell the fresh ink, the paper and, of course, the wealth of knowledge that is about to come pouring out.

(* – Isn’t it funny when people say that? I am sure I must have missed something along the way.)

Richard Branson book Losing My Virginity

It all started on a flight back east when I opened the tome “Losing My Virginity” which was followed for me by “Screw It, Let’s Do It” which two years later came out in an expanded addition. Of course there was “Business Stripped Bare” and a few others. Not to mention Ted Talks and interviews and his blog. But we are talking books here.

In about a month “The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead” is coming out and I will be ordering that on Amazon as soon as I can.

Richard Branson book The Virgin Way

I can liken it to the feeling of seeing an old friend that you haven’t seen in years or the warmth and comfort of a hug; it just makes me smile. I’m not sure if it’s the feel of the new book, with its crisp edges and clean, white paper or the fact that I am about to learn something new that will change my life for the better. It’s that feeling of relief you get when something turns out right; the smile that follows is automatic and cannot possibly be stopped.

The information in Richard Branson’s books can only be described as life changing and enlightening. When you read it, you feel a weight lifted off of your chest and you immediately smile a sigh of relief. I can remember days surrounded by thoughts of that brand new book sitting on the book store shelf, waiting for me to pick it up, silently giggling inside, and heading to the counter to cash out and take my treasure home. I think I know what the original gold prospectors must have felt when they struck it rich; the sheer glee that was felt by them is what I feel with my favorite author’s newest release. These days there are not many book stores left and most of my book shopping gets done online and if I can, directly from the author.

Still, at the end of the day, however it is acquired, nothing beats the value of a book.

Lego Richard Branson

Who are your favorite authors? Do you prefer to read an actual book or are you on kindle now? Let me know in the comments. Would love to hear from you.

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