#867 Jeans… even good enough for James Bond.

Let me see a show of hands here for anyone that likes a good pair of jeans. I think that’s almost everybody and if I asked how many of you liked a good fitting pair of jeans, we would get all of you. Jeans are something that either has to fit right or we just won’t wear them that often. If you have a pair of jeans that fits you perfectly in all of the right places (guys, you know what I am talking about) then I can guess that they don’t stay in your closet very long.

Jeans are trousers usually made from denim or dungaree cloth. Often the term “jeans” refers to a particular style of pants, called “blue jeans” which were invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873. Starting in the 1950s, jeans, originally designed for cowboys and miners, became popular among teenagers, especially members of the greaser subculture.

jeans cowboy

Jeans are now a very popular article of casual dress around the world. Whether you like slim fit, baggy, boot flair or straight leg, there is always going to be a pair of jeans made for everybody’s unique tastes. Jeans come in more colors, styles and sizes than there are people to wear them so finding a great fitting pair of jeans isn’t that hard. The hard part is keeping them that way!

If you are hitting the gym and getting healthy like most people this New Year, or maybe drinking some Visalus Nutrition Shakes and taking the Body By Vi Fitness Challenge like I am, you will either be losing weight or gaining muscle and if you do either of those things, say goodbye to that great fitting pair of jeans that you love so much. Drop ten pounds and watch your jeans start sliding down your waist showing off more of your assets that you want to. Add some muscle and build up that flat butt of yours and suddenly your jeans might fit a little more snug in that region; wait, that’s not a bad thing is it?

A good fitting pair of jeans looks good on guys…

jeans shirtless man

or girls…

jeans on pier

and even this guy!

jeans troy swezey magic castle hollywood

The point is, when you look good you feel good and when you feel good in your clothes, it can make all of the difference in the world for your outlook on life. And if nothing comes between you and your Calvins, it doesn’t matter if you spend $20 or $200, if they fit great, they will be the first ones you pull out of the dryer.

jeans money

Try this the next time you grab your favorite pair of jeans; you know, the ones that fit the best. Put them on in front of the mirror and just after you do your usual jean ritual where you do a slight squat and a little wiggle to get them just right, take a look in the mirror. Do you see that? It’s that smile that I was talking about! The one that comes from a great fitting pair of jeans!

Even the Friends…

jeans friends

and the cast of Beverly Hills 90210

jeans beverly hills 90210

wore them.

And can you believe James Bond wore jeans? James Bond once wore a pair of jeans when he traveled to Dr No‘s island. Chapter 7 of the novel Dr. No reads, “Bond fitted himself out with cheap black canvas jeans and a dark blue shirt and rope-soled shoes.” He also wore cream colored Levi’s 306 STA-PREST slacks in Quantum of Solace when he visited Haiti.

Now stop looking in the mirror and get out there and enjoy life because no one has ever had a bad time in their Levi’s.

jeans bear

Do you remember those controversial ads by Calvin Klein? You can watch there here including the 1980 Calvin Klein commercial where then-15-year-old Brooke Shields models the brand’s jeans and says, “Do you know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing.” Share your thoughts in the comments. Would love to hear from you.

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Order some new Levis’s or other brand of jeans here on Amazon today! You will look and feel great!

16 Replies to “#867 Jeans… even good enough for James Bond.”

  1. Great article and photos. I’m reminded that Elvis Presley never wore blue jeans or allowed his group to wear them because they reminded him when he and his parents were poor. But Elvis looked great in blue jeans in the movie ‘Loving You’.

  2. Pingback: Why is Denim Jeans so Famous?

  3. Hey there!
    This is really an awesome jeans and I just loved it in every way. Even I am so much obsessed to this one that I looked up for this to buy the one for my husband, but because of his overweight he is not able to wear it properly for which I have asked him to try weight loss supplements and may be now within a week he will be able to wear the one. 😀
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