#919 Cat running to another room for no apparent reason

If you have a cat you have probably seen this peculiar phenomena. You are sitting in your room reading a book or your favorite blog or playing Angry Birds when suddenly your cat, who was a second ago sleeping quietly on the other side of the room, decides she needs to be somewhere else right now.

cat running

Your cat is there and suddenly she is gone. You scratch your head for a second wondering what it could have possibly been that required her attention elsewhere. You do not recall any strange noises. No one called her name. No one gave her any catnip. There were no birds chirping. All you remember is she was quiet and suddenly she jumps up and meows like a banshee while running from point A to point B at somewhere around 50 miles per hour. Or maybe your cat was just wandering around and suddenly the same scenario unfolds.

cat running

If you are like me, curiosity, which they say killed the cat by the way, gets the best of me and I have to get up to investigate. I saw the ball of fur fly that-a-way so I head there too. No telling how far she got though but not like I am living in a 40,000 square foot how so shouldn’t be too hard to find her. When I do finally catch up with her what is she doing? She is curled up in a ball sleeping. It is as if her urgent business has already been taken care of and I am way to late to the party.

Why does a cat do this? I have absolutely no clue. All I know is it makes me smile whenever it does.

Have you ever seen a cat do this? Do you have any idea why? Leave your thoughts in the comments. Would love to hear your theory on this.

cat running meme

21 Replies to “#919 Cat running to another room for no apparent reason”

  1. It is not the curiosity that took the better of you rather it is your concern and love for your cat that led you to finding what up with her. Oh, the picture is astonishingly resembles my own cat Sonu.

    It is sometimes because somethings like a fly or some bug is disturbing them so they shift the places.

  2. hahaha!! my cats do it all the time . and i always follow them that what they doing or why they are running around. Sometimes i laugh out loud to see all this frenzy. O i love my cats so much.

  3. Hi,

    This is a really interesting article I have found on this blog.This is so funny.These Cats are crazy
    Enjoy your cat(s). they are amazing critters My house is already pet cat.She is very funny.

  4. Animals needs care just like humans do. Because they are helpless and cannot take care of themself so as an owner we have to make sure to see and pamper them properly.

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