#836 New socks keep me smiling from head to toe

Have you ever gotten dressed really early in the morning when it was still dark? I think we all have and out of respect for our spouse, we don’t turn on any lights sometimes feeling our way through the dark as we get our clothes on. Well, how many of you have grabbed the wrong pair of socks? You know, that not so new pair or maybe even a pair that you have already worn, the ones that don’t fit snugly and just don’t have that crisp, clean feeling of new ones? We pull those off right away and grab for the clean socks as quickly as possible.

I have the need, the need for new socks.

new socks school girls

I am one of those people that simply has to have my socks fit like new every time I put them on. Even to the point where I have been known to change my socks many time throughout the day just to have the freshest pair possible. It’s not a foot odor thing, it’s a freshness thing for me and it always makes me smile when I pull on that clean pair out of my sock drawer.

I will reach into my sock drawer and select a new pair as if I was choosing a bottle of wine for dinner. I look at my outfit for the day, I consider my mood and then choose accordingly. Really, as long as it’s a fresh pair of socks, I am good to go, but I do like to coordinated a little bit.

How we wear our socks also plays a role in how they feel. I can’t scrunch mine down at all; they don’t feel fresh and new that way. It almost feels as if I had worn that pair all day and they have just gotten so tired, they worked their way down my shins. No, I wear mine 1965 Wilt Chamberlain style; pulled up as high as they will go.

Just that feeling of having a fresh pair of socks pulled all the way up where they will stay for most of the day is enough to make me smile. What could make me smile even more? Even more than a fresh pair of warm socks while sitting by the fire on a crisp fall day? A pair of brand new socks just out of the dryer; crisp, bright and fitting right!

new socks bottom

How do you feel about socks. Do you like them tall or do you prefer those short tennis socks? Click here to leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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In the market (or need) of some new socks?
Why settle for boring white ones? Go on. Live it up a little.

OSABASA Womens Fashion Cotton Crew Socks 1 Set Pack With Multi Color Dots SET M

5 Replies to “#836 New socks keep me smiling from head to toe”

  1. You’re killing me! I don’t have a problem with socks because all my socks are the same color & style, except for 4. I bought 30 pairs of black, diabetic socks because they feel comfortable; I gave the rest of my socks to my wife. The four that don’t fit the mold… 3 are those socklets many men wear when they wear shorts & are working out (I don’t like them; like you, I like the feel of socks pulled up on my calves) and the other…

    I’d bought some sports socks that supposedly had this support stretch stuff. There were 5 pair in the pack but one of them was red and black… I kept that one and almost never wear them, kind of like the sacred pair of socks. lol They’re buried deep, such that I have to be specifically searching for them to grab them… although, since they feel different than all the other normal sized pair of socks they’d be easy to identify. lol
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  2. I use to wear flip flops and socks (i´m actually wearing them right now). So there is one thing the UK did not invented, lol. Anyway, as you said, there is a big difference between sandals & socks and flip flops and socks. First them are a way of wear, second is a clear example of casual cool wearing

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